DairyPro is a software solution for Dairy Co-operative. It comprises of two parts. One is DairyPro Mobile App which is a tool for Automated Milk Collection at Village Level Milk Collection Centre. The software is managed on Android Mobile with Bluetooth Connectivity to Weighing Scale, Milk Analyser and Digital Display. The mobile application is in communication with central server for fetching the information such as farmer lists, rate charts, etc. Once the shift is over, data can be posted to web-server. Mobile application generates the purchase slip, confirmation SMS, Daily collection register and Shift Summary.
A centrally controlled web-application manages all other aspects of a complete accounting software with detailed options for milk procurement billing, deductions, incentives and commissions, product sales. The web-application has comprehensive module for Artificial Insemination and Animal health record. (Optional) Software can operate in English OR any of the Indian Languages