Access to financial service is a major factor for economic development. Financial inclusion (FI) covers the establishment of banking service, at an affordable cost, for disadvantaged and low income groups. FI is generally agreed as one of the most powerful methods of supporting poverty alleviation.
SOFTMAN has its own FI solution, my@FI, which can handle complete business scenario. The solution involves field level software (Mobile App), FI Server web-site and integration with the Core Banking systems.
This app connects to my@FI web-application which is a complete Financial Inclusion software. The web-application manages complete field level operations, connectivity to Bank's CBS domain and also provide detailed features for BC management portal. The app connects to a combo device (FingerPrint scanner, Card Swiper, Printer) over Bluetooth for performing the various operations on Mobile banking domain such as Agent and customer authentication, Slips printing, Debit Card swiping, etc. App works in an online mode with real time operations. App also producers audio output signals (in regional language) for the customer warning and confirmation. my@FI is localized for all Indian languages (+English). The solution satisfies all criteria of Micro ATM Standard 1.5.1 by RBI and IDRBT.